
Hand-developed color negative 16mm

first test hand-developing 250d on 16mm in a paterson tank. next time I will try to use a bigger vessel. 

But I didn't want to pay to develop 3 year old test footage so here we go.

Really I am surprised anything at all came out, I used C-41 chemistry and developed with the same times I use for photo film.  

How did I do it?

I  stuffed 100ft on film into a paterson tank, and developed at the normal reccomended time and temp for my chemistry.  After it finished, I layed it all out onto a towel on my kitchen table to dry, and then spliced it to some leader to watch. Then I scanned it and inverted in davinci resolve.  

3378 - 3378: JK-K105 optical printer

step printing, superimpositions.. plans to implement techniques onto color film

After Effects 


©Andrew Frangella 2024